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Wander PLace

Social Catalyst
For [Healthier] Offline Living

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Introducing Wanda

A wearable communication.
Subtle. Personal. Simply a reminder.
All four cord colors are included in the box.
• Candy* is reserved for our LGBTQ+ members.

Wanda Meets You .

And the emblem gets a personality-inspired paint job.
One of a kind emblem. No two Wandas are ever identical. Learn more

Become a Wanderer

3 steps.
Put on your Wanda. Get out. Start wandering.
Make this personal .
Wanda is designed to be personal. The emblem for your Wanda comes with a personality-inspired paint job.
WP Gatherings
We curate gatherings tailored to bring together local Wanderers with kindred spirits and similar passions.
More ..
We’re are working on more programs, partnerships, and perks. We’ll invite you to participate once they’re ready.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wander Place?
  • Wander Place is a social catalyst for healthier offline living. Our goal is to raise awareness, address the rising mental health issues, and have fun while doing it.

  • To kick things off, we’re introducing Wanda (our bracelet) and WP Gatherings (Wander Place Gatherings).

  • We’re also beyond excited about the programs, partnerships, and perks we’re putting together just for you—and we can't wait to share them soon.

Who can join?
  • We’re live in Orange County, CA (the birthplace of Wander Place) and Los Angeles. We've got exciting plans to expand to new territories soon.

  • Our primary focus is young adults, mainly those between 18 and 29 years old. We're gearing up to welcome a broader age range.

Is this a dating app? Another social media platform? What sets us apart?
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  • We don’t have an app. We don’t monetize your screen time. We don’t sell your data. And our website is designed to be used just once. We’re here to raise awareness about an important issue and address it in a way that’s fun and accessible for everyone.

What is the significance of the bracelet?
  • It’s a symbol of care and mindfulness.

  • It’s a beacon, finding Wanderers who resonate with you.

  • It’s a declaration that we thrive by stepping out of our comfort zone.

  • It’s a personal statement.

  • It’s a subtle reminder.

  • It's a wearable communication.

  • It’s a flag of our Wander Family.

How can I check other Wanderers’ profiles?
  • Our platform operates without user profiles. We’ve chosen not to create traditional profiles to minimize your screen time and encourage you to do more in real life.

Is there a mobile app for Wander Place? 
  • Nope! We believe in the power of unplugging and connecting face-to-face.

How can I contribute?
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  • Join the conversation and spread the word. Use our hashtag #Wanderfam, tag us in your posts, invite friends, and share your feedback. Every story, every connection, and every bit of enthusiasm fuels our movement and makes our community stronger.

Why are we asking these personal questions?
  • Because small talk is overrated. We’d rather skip the awkward intros and get you straight to the good part. Your answers help us match you with gatherings full of people and activities that vibe with who you are—so you can show up and instantly feel like you belong. 

WP Gatherings?
  • We host gatherings every week, and your answers help us curate them just for you. We handpick the people, activities, and location. You just sign up and show up.

What’s the deal with the emblem’s paint job?
  • Our algorithm takes what you share and weaves it into your Wanda emblem, creating a color that’s uniquely yours. It’s not just about making your bracelet look cool (though it will); it’s about giving you a subtle way to find others on your wavelength—without needing a single word.

Can I change my answers? Or do personalization later?
  • Generally, personalities evolve over time. Our approach is geared towards fostering real-life, authentic interactions based on these shared aspects. To maximize in-person interactions over screen time, we're not currently allowing multiple submissions or delayed entries.  

What are WP Gatherings?
  • Wander Place Gatherings are curated real-life experiences for Wanderers. We handpick the people, the activities, and the location. You just show up, have fun, and connect. 

How can I join WP Gatherings? 
  • There is only one way you can join WP Gatherings: getting invited. Either by us or another Wanderer. 

How do invitations work? 
  • Wanderers: we text you a list of WP Gatherings we think are right in your alley and you can RSVP to your favorites.

  • Non-Wanderers: another Wanderer invites you as a guest.

Can I bring my friends to the WP Gatherings I'm going to? 
  • Yes! After your spot is confirmed, you’ll get a ‘bring a friend’ link and a time window to reserve a spot for your favorite people.

  • Please keep in mind that we have a vetting process for all Wander Place users to maintain a harmonious environment. 

  • For most gatherings, you can bring one friend along.

What should I bring when attending a WP Gathering?
  • Your Wanda bracelet

  • A valid ID

  • Reservation confirmation

Is there a limit to how many WP Gatherings I can join?
  • No limits here! If you receive an invitation, you’re invited.

How can I provide feedback about a gathering or the people I met there?
  • Following each event, you'll receive a feedback link to share your thoughts. Your input helps us fine-tune and improve your future experiences.

Why should I wear this bracelet?
  • Wearing your Wanda is about more than just having a unique accessory—it's a commitment to raising awareness about mental health, stepping out of your comfort zone, and connecting with others in meaningful, real-life ways. It’s a symbol of mindfulness and care, reminding you to prioritize your well-being while also helping others do the same. Plus, it’s a fun way to engage in the Wander Place community, attend gatherings, and make genuine connections with fellow Wanderers—all while addressing important issues and having a great time.

How do I wear this bracelet?
  • Refer to our tutorial for attaching the cord to your emblem.

  • These bracelets are built to show. Make sure they aren't concealed by your clothing.

What’s the symbolism behind the bracelet?
  • Most of us grow up being told to protect ourselves.

  • Save your time. Guard your feelings. Stay in your lane.

  • And before you know it, you’re living inside walls you don’t even remember building.

  • The emblem on this bracelet symbolizes an open door.

  • From a wide open door, only the frame remains. And that is Wanda’s emblem.

  • It's a reminder to recognize the difference between danger and discomfort.

What makes it one-of-a-kind? 
  • We know your personality is unique. That is why we've designed a manufacturing process that ensures no two bracelets are ever identical. Our algorithm adds subtle color variations to each emblem to make sure your Wanda bracelet is truly one-of-a-kind, just like you!

What does the Feather cord exactly mean?
  • The Feather cord color is your personal signal to indicate that you’re not looking to engage in new conversations at the moment. Imagine you are at a bar and don’t want to be approached by anyone. You just want to hangout with your people, and you're not open to meeting anyone new. It’s all about respecting personal space and mood.

What type of material did you use to make this bracelet?
  • Our emblem is crafted from a Magnesium & Aluminum alloy, known for its exceptional properties and extensive usage in medical, aerospace, and automotive industries, making it an exceedingly rare wearable.

  • The cord is made from polyester and nylon that can withstand 275 pounds of force! It's waterproof, washable, and suited for your next level adventures.

Is there a fee to join or use Wander Place?
  • To be part of Wander Place, you’ll need a Wanda bracelet. For our WP Gatherings, we charge a small attendance fee to keep bots from signing up.

  • Beyond that, we’re building programs, partnerships, and perks to make Wander Place even more accessible.

How much is everything?
  • Wanda Bracelet – $17 (all included).

  • WP Gatherings – $1 if you're a Wanderer. $5 if you’re tagging along as a guest.